last fri i hav bbq nite with my frenz. it a great nite with them
hav some photos whn v hav the bbq but not 2 much
cos all of us busy to cook the food and our hand is so dirty
wah... huge fire haha^^
started the fire....
About Me
- my little world
- welcome 2 my blog. im not special, jus a normal human in the world. eat, slp and play....especially eat... i like to eat but i cant eat so many coz my stomach is small.XD i wil go find the nice food to eat nearby my area. if got any suggest by others i aso wil try to go for it..^^
at the end
haiz i though i hav dane my work actually i haven done it.coz it wan me do at least
5 pages but i jus do 2 pages only, so i wan do more.
i hav many work wan 2 to i though i finis adi thn i can rest a while de. after rest i
can continue other work but now i wan spend more time 2 do my work.
hope i can finis it. gambateh.......^^
5 pages but i jus do 2 pages only, so i wan do more.
i hav many work wan 2 to i though i finis adi thn i can rest a while de. after rest i
can continue other work but now i wan spend more time 2 do my work.
hope i can finis it. gambateh.......^^
done my work
yeah......^^ i hav done my work adi. although it jus wrote in a piece of paper haven type
in my com but at least i hav done it. hehe.....
now i got free time 2 rest and suft net, haha!!
like yesterday i was falling sick and wan do my work really so hard. yesterday i try 2 finis
my work as fas as possible haha..... but at the end i hav done adi. b4 i go 2 slpt i ate medicine
its bitter @@
in my com but at least i hav done it. hehe.....
now i got free time 2 rest and suft net, haha!!
like yesterday i was falling sick and wan do my work really so hard. yesterday i try 2 finis
my work as fas as possible haha..... but at the end i hav done adi. b4 i go 2 slpt i ate medicine
its bitter @@
tis few wek very busy, tired wif my work. i hav many thing wan 2 do
(business math,FA1 work and moral) ~.~
always do do do, so depress bout it. but i hope i can stand it til my exam day and hope i can pass
all my paper, so i must gambateh, be hard working. hehe^^
(business math,FA1 work and moral) ~.~
always do do do, so depress bout it. but i hope i can stand it til my exam day and hope i can pass
all my paper, so i must gambateh, be hard working. hehe^^
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