
About Me

welcome 2 my blog. im not special, jus a normal human in the world. eat, slp and play....especially eat... i like to eat but i cant eat so many coz my stomach is small.XD i wil go find the nice food to eat nearby my area. if got any suggest by others i aso wil try to go for it..^^


wat a BAD d@y

haiz.... my purse was lost ...T.T i dun wan lost all my thing inside............swt!!!!!!

inside my purse has many thing. my ID, license, ATM card, etc....

gosh!!! all lost, i jus wan my purse back aso cant. haizzzz

who got saw my purse??? i think if got they aso thrown in to rubbish bin adi......

so sad bout it, all thing gone adi... y dun giv me BACK
