tis is my dad hand, after operation his hand bcome staight and got a scar here. i saw it i felt very geli... now waiting him his hand bcome well.
doctor said wana wait 1 or 2 month to bcome well, now wan exercise the hand but cant use it to take thing coz cant use so much of enegry.
bcoz of the KL HOSPITAL make my dad wana went to do operation...hate it HATE it....
the doctor there is very irresponsible, made dad hand bcome like tat.... thn said smthing scared ppl really get shock of it...he said do operation jus 50% can bcome well. not at all can bcome well. wat r u felt if like tat. go to hell la... wats the gov hospital..
fortunately the other hospital not said like tat, if not died lo... he said do operation aso not 100% but can 70-90% will bcome good. heard like tat dad bcome happy bit le..
dad hand cant use adi how to work?? dad really scare his hand cant use wil become 'fei ren'
hope his hand bcome well afap.....